Happy Birthday to us!

One year ago today, we smashed the metaphorical champagne on our metaphorical ship and launched Tooting Film Studios into the world. It was a fantastic evening surrounded by peers, suppliers, friends, family and future clients. So, one year on, how's it been?

In a nutshell, it has been the most challenging yet most enjoyable year I’ve experienced on planet Earth.

When people compare starting a business to raising a child, I can attest to this being 100% true.

The picture below is my wife, Becca, 8 Months pregnant while standing in a half-finished film studio - just weeks before the launch.

It starts with the baby you created pooping, screaming and not being that much fun.

After many sleepless nights, you eventually aren’t completely useless at being a parent, and the baby can start to support its own head. Then it can crawl.

And then it runs, steals your wallet and starts feeding your bank cards, one by one, to the gap in the floorboards, never to be found again - all while laughing!

Take from that what you will. Being a Dad and a start-up founder has been incredibly rewarding.

Thank you to the fantastic people who have been on this journey with me and those who will join us in the years to come. And a special thank you to all our clients who have trusted us with their projects. It means the world to me and the team.

What have I learnt starting Tooting Film Studios?

1. You must grab life by the horns and go for it. It does feel like riding a Bull off a cliff sometimes but look ahead for the squishiest places to land - you always have a play.

2. The people supporting you along that journey are incredibly important—family, friends and team. Make time for these people. (Did I mention how flipping awesome my team are btw? Shout out to the team)

3. Things are not (always) as bad as they seem in the moment you’re living them. Sleep on it for a day - or a week if needed.


The benefits of Green Screen