Green Screen Studio in London
We offer five ways to utilise Studio 1
for green screen shoots. More details below.
Get in touch with us to secure a space at our Green Screen Studio in London.

Painting our London Green Screen Studio is the way to go if you have multiple people you need to film or multiple camera angles.
Unlike most green screen studios, our Studio 1 can be painted in any shape to meet the needs for your production. In the image you'll see our London Film Studio painted to the production's specifications to reduce the amount of possible spill, saving many hours in post-production. £495+VAT
Our Green Screen Studio In London is for Hire at £495 + VAT
Option 1: Paint it green - £495
(or any colour for that matter)
Coloramas Options
Main advantages of rolled green screens
Crease free
Can be extended under people's feet seamlessly
Filming One Person
Option 2: Paper Colorama 2.7m - £40
With the 2.7m Colorama we offer, you can have a budget friendly approach to green screen filming, still leaving enough room for props and any movement.
We also stock Blue screens as well as other soft pastel colours.
£40 is for floor ceiling hanging. Then every additional meter on the floor is an additional £15. Once the paper screen has been stood on, we cut the section off and recycle sustainably.
Option 3: Vinyl Colorama 2.7m - £75
Our vinyl screen is a premium alternative to paper. It has less sheen, is more durable and wipes clean. Perfect for high foot traffic, such as dancers or multiple walks ins and out of frame.
Filming Multiple people
Option 4: Paper Colorama 3.5m - £70
Our huge 3.5m Colorama (the largest they make) is perfect for productions that don’t need the entire studio painted green.
£70 is for floor ceiling hanging. Then every additional meter on the floor is an additional £25. Once the paper screen has been stood on, we cut the section off and recycle sustainably.
If you’re looking to hire a London Green Screen studio on a budget, this could be your best option.